Personal Training

One on one, Virtual & Small Group sessions that are specifically designed with you in mind to help you reach your fitness goals. We’ll work every major muscle group and incorporate cardio training for maximum results.



Exercise is only one facet of a healthy lifestyle. I’ll help you make good choices when you eat to enhance & maintain the results you obtain in the gym & live a fuller, healthier life.


Physical Health

Whether you’re living with a chronic condition or looking to achieve peak performance, I can guide you along the way.


Customized Plans

Sometimes all you need is the instruction manual. Let me design a total wellness plan that will help you reach your goals.


Dear Friend, I pray that in every way you prosper and that you are as healthy in body as you are in spirit

3 John 1:2

Warm Up
Work Out
Cool Down

We’ll create a detailed wellness plan for you that provides instruction from start to finish.


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Think of me as your personal cheerleader, helping you find the strength you didn’t know you had to push you past your limits. I’m all about positive reinforcement.

 Exercise is not a punishment but a celebration of what your body is capable of.


Get in touch.
The first workout’s on me.


Contact us.