Why Faithful and Fit?

Faithful and Fit is a brand that was born from my passion for overall wellness and fitness. My life was forever changed when I committed to making healthier lifestyle decisions and I wish to share this passion with you.  

I’ve been involved in athletics since elementary school so I’ve never been a stranger to the gym. Playing softball and participating in competitive cheerleading, I grew familiar with weight training, gymnastics, yoga practices and everything in between. I made it through college, escaping the “freshmen 15,” and graduated in the best shape of my life. However, in June 2011, just one month after college graduation and two months after running a 1/2 marathon with my best friend, the body that had carried me to that point turned on me. My energy level dropped to a zero, seemingly every joint in my body ached daily and I was not able to find any relief for weeks. After many blood tests, scans, and visits to multiple specialists, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease which in short means instead of your immune system fighting off infections, it attacks your normal healthy tissue instead. There’s currently no cure nor concrete evidence of its cause, just “treatments.”

I was immediately prescribed a handful of medication to take daily. I was told to stay out of the sun, rest as much as possible, and to keep any physical activities short and at a low intensity level. For those who know me know all of those things were near impossible tasks for the outdoor loving, on-the-go, all or nothing person that I am.  After complying with the doctor’s orders for a year, instead of getting better I was told that the disease was progressing and causing my body to deteriorate. The specialist I was seeing recommended that I start more aggressive treatments including taking medications which were known to cause infertility and/or chemotherapy. 

After working through denial and a season of depression, I turned to my foundation of faith. I began to pray God’s promises to me back to Him daily. I knew His plans for my life didn’t include me suffering daily but to prosper and give me hope and future. He knew one of the biggest desires of my heart was a family with children and I believed He had that in store for me. Against the recommendations of my doctors, I declined further treatment and decided I would lean in to and exercise my faith. I became intentional about what I was putting into my body, food and medications. Although sometimes it was difficult to get out of bed, I began working out daily, first at home and eventually back in the gym. I was consistent in my prayer life, nutrition and fitness regimen. I continued to visit my doctors for my monthly check ups and bloodwork and less than a year later my bloodwork was perfect. I was no longer in pain everyday, God had given me my life back. It’s been over 10 years that I’ve been medication-free and I attribute it all to my Faithfulness to God and His promises and my commitment to staying fit. 

My goal is to help others through fitness who may be living with a chronic illness, wish to get back in shape or simply make better lifestyle choices. 

I pray that in every way you prosper and that you are as healthy in body as you are in spirit.

3 John 1:2